Recent Recipes

Mushroom “pizza”

Mushroom “pizza”

I love mushrooms… I mean LOVE mushrooms!!!! I can’t remember how this recipe came to be but I know it was to lower my carb intake. I love carbs especially bread ( check out my cast iron white bread), but in order for me to stay healthy I can’t have too much all day everyday. Trust me I would if I could! Lol I like mushrooms on my pizza and these just taste like it!!! You would be surprised how succulent they are!!! They are basically just like pizza, you can top them with whatever you want, the sky is the limit! I always use things I have in the fridge and it ALWAYS involves cheese!!! Lol I made 2 different ones to take a picture for the blog but, again, you could use any combination!!!

Cheesy sandwich buns

Cheesy sandwich buns

A few days ago we wanted to make hamburgers. I rarely have hamburger buns in my house and it was too cold for me to get out of the house to get some! Lol So I decided to make my own. I used my bagels recipe and changed it up a little to make some amazing hamburger buns!!!! So now, remember I am french, so of course it had to include cheese, I decided to go with old cheddar to give it a little punch, yum yum yum!! Make sure to use greek yogurt as regular yogurt is too liquidy. Almost make sure to remove any liquid that might have built on top of your greek yogurt before using it. Do not leave the buns in the oven while increasing the temperature, they will burn (saying that by experience lol) As they are homemade they will only keep a couple of days wrapped in a clean cloth. They are also really good the next day toasted.

Dairy free “creamy” meatballs

Dairy free “creamy” meatballs

My older sister came over a couple of weeks ago and brought a spaghetti squash and butternut squash she was not sure what to do with. Her husband cannot have dairy so I had to make sure my recipes exluded dairy. We ended up making linguini with a “creamy” butternut squash sauce and spaghetti squash with dairy free “creamy” meatballs. I still have to perfect the butternut squash sauce but the meatballs on spaghetti squash were absolutely amazing!!!!! You can serve them over rice, mashed potatoes or pasta. I have eaten them over spaghetti squash and cauliflower rice too for a low carb option.

Cast Iron White Bread

Cast Iron White Bread

BEST BREAD EVER!!!!!! Who says homemade bread has to be scary or require hours of work?? It doesn’t even require any special machine or equipement! I have made this bread many times (thanks to my husband who gave me a subscription for Ricardo magazines! Lol). This bread is literally fool proof. I have not messed it up once! You can use different flours such as whole wheat or multigrain. I have never tried with gluten free flour so I am not sure how to adjust it properly. Try it and I guaranty you will not regret it!!! I would recommend washing your pot before warming it up in the oven as it gets sticky from the dough. I did it once without washing it and the whole house smelled like burnt bread! Lol It only last about 3 days on the counter as it has no preservatives at all. To keep it from drying I always wrap my fresh bread in a clean cloth.

Tarragon chicken roast with garlic potatoes

Tarragon chicken roast with garlic potatoes

Here is another one of my go to meals for my family. When whole chickens are on sale I often buy a couple, freeze one and cook the other one as a roast.

Caramel Apple Tartelettes

Caramel Apple Tartelettes

So I was in Victoria visiting my husband’s family and I wanted to make them a tarte Tatin. For a strange reason, the grocery store I went to was out of puff pastry. So I stood there, in front of the freezer, with my apples in hand wondering what to do. And then, a lightbulb came on! Lol I decided to buy frozen mini tarts! I followed the same base as the tarte tatin but switched it up a little. The result was amazing!!!!!!

Pâté Chinois

Pâté Chinois

Pâté chinois is a dish from Quebec that my older sister loves to make. It has now become a dish that is on rotation at my house. My kids love it and I often change it up to use what I have in the fridge.

Beef Ragoût

Beef Ragoût

I do not like fatty meat but I love it when it has been cooked for hours in it’s own gravy.

This is something that makes me very happy on a cold winter day (OMG it has been so cold this winter!!). It takes a little time to make but is not labour intensive. I eat it with a side of veggies or better yet, on some fresh cooked linguini. Soooooo comforting!!!!!

My version of spaghetti bolognese

My version of spaghetti bolognese

My mom makes the best bolognese sauce and I am lucky she showed me her tricks on how to make an amazing spaghetti sauce. My version does not include ground pork or mushrooms but instead includes bell pepper and carrots.

It is another one of my meals that changes depending on what I have in my fridge. I sometimes add mushrooms, take away some veggies, use diced tomatoes instead of crushed, etc.

My kids love it every single times though. Lol It’s spaghetti sauce, what’s not to love??!!

I serve it on spaghetti (obviously!) but I have served it on spaghetti squash, rice and made sloppy joes too.

Double Chocolate Banana Bread

Double Chocolate Banana Bread

My oh my! One of my most requested recipes!!! I have been making this bread for a few years now and everybody loves it. Decadent and very moist, it is a show stopper. I often make it for my colleagues and because we do not stop at my job, I cut them and wrap each piece individually in plastic wrap. It keeps the bread moist longer and it’s easy for them to grab one and go! If you find it too sweet you can decrease the amount of chocolate chips.