Recent Recipes

Scrambled eggs with crispy prosciutto

Scrambled eggs with crispy prosciutto

Who likes brunch???? Who likes bacon??? Who else tries to avoid too much bacon?? Crispy prosciutto is my new friend!!

A few weeks ago, I had the chance of meeting an amazing chef, Lynn Crawford, at the airport. She was promoting her restaurant and her cookbooks. Of course, I bought a book and she was nice enough to sign it!! When I got home, I threw myself on the couch and looked at her book, slowly, page by page. This is one of my favourite thing to do, take time to myself to read a cookbook. One of the recipe that jumped at me was her crispy prosciutto. It was crumbled on top of green scrambled eggs (she mixes in some spinach) and I HAD to try it! I like my scrambled eggs without spinach but topped with some heavenly crumbs of prosciutto…. yup!! You can also use it in sandwiches or on top of salads.


I love eggs, I mean LOVE eggs. All day every day!! I usually eat them sunny side up but once in awhile I will have them scrambled. I could never get them to be awesome until I saw a video from Gordon Ramsay demonstrating how to cook soft and fluffy scrambled eggs. I tried it right away and they were perfect!!


Enchilada Spaghetti Squash Bake

Enchilada Spaghetti Squash Bake

I posted the Enchilada sauce recipe yesterday, here is what I use it for. A few people have requested this recipe to be posted so who am I to say no? Lol This is great comfort food when you feel like eating a big bowl of pasta but you can’t because of allergies or if you are trying to avoid gluten. It is also for when you want to eat it again and again because it is that good! 🙂

I made it a few times and it always ends up different. I have made it with chopped tomatoes, without chicken, with extra cheese, with mushrooms, etc.

Ok ok… I am done now… you can start cooking!!!!

Enchilada Sauce

Enchilada Sauce

This homemade enchilada sauce is so good, thanks to Cookie and Kate for their inspiration. Check out their site for great gluten free and dairy free recipes. No, I don’t know them personally but I like to give credit where credit is due.

I have made this sauce many times and have yet messed it up, really easy and keeps in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. I mostly use it for my Enchilada Spaghetti Squash Boat recipe but I also use it for actual Enchiladas.

As I write this I can’t help but think about my friend Justine. She loves to cook with lots of flavours and I know she will love this sauce. She also cooks gluten free and dairy free so I am excited for her to try it out!

Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup

My sister had a special request this morning, “can you give me your favorite recipe using butternut squash”. She was lucky, I had one at home and a good reason to use it, lol. A couple of my friends came to hang out today and it is not possible for me not to feed anyone that comes to my house, must be a French thing, lol. Both of them are avoiding dairy lately and I had to come up with something they could eat (I love cheese and use it often…again the French thing!). Between my sister that wanted my favorite butternut squash recipe and my friends that could not have dairy, I decided to make my butternut squash soup.

Butternut squash is not something we cook with in France and therefore we were never raised with it. Since I am now officially Canadian and married to one, I have learned to cook with butternut squash. It’s a really good vegetable that often takes care of my carbs craving since it is very starchy. I make fries, roast them, mash them and, of course, make soup!


Tarte Tartin

Tarte Tartin

This is another surprisingly easy recipe with a big impact. Also called a reversed apple pie, Tarte Tatin is a french apple pie with caramel. The name comes from the Tatin sisters that made an apple pie and dropped it by mistake. A lot of people get scared of making it because it involves making a caramel but don’t worry, my caramel looks different every time, looks like it is completely messed up 90% of the time but it end up being amazing 100% of the time! lol

It is something that I grew up with as my mom makes it often (and very well I might add). She taught me how to make it and it has now become one of my specialties among friends and colleagues. Canadians find it very different as it does not have cinnamon but caramel instead. Very flaky and airy, this recipe is sure to impress your guests with minimal effort on your part.

Homemade bagels

Homemade bagels

These bagels are so easy to make and soooo good!!!! I like them best toasted but I always like bagels toasted in general. They can be made with whole wheat or gluten free flour but they might not rise as much.

Because they rise during baking, make sure you give them enough space in the pan.

This is recipe from Skinnytaste and only 3sp for anyone doing weight watchers. For those of you who don’t, they are just healthy and good bagels! Lol

The greek yogurt is a must as regular yogurt is too liquid.

Pandoro Bread Pudding

Pandoro Bread Pudding

So there it goes! My first post ever… a little nervous. Hopefully you guys like it and want to see more.

The first recipe I wanted to share is my Pandoro Bread Pudding. I have been making it for the last 3 years and people love it. Every time I make one it ends up being a little different. Super easy and very flexible,I often make it with my older son who is now 4 years old.

This is something I only make around the holiday season as it requires a special type of sweet bread called Pandoro. It’s an Italian bread that can easily be find in any grocery stores but only around Christmas.

You can adjust it the way you want and measurements don’t have to be exact. I made it with a lemon Pandoro (my husband’s favourite) or with Cashew milk (for my lactose free friends). You can change it up depending on your mood!


Shrimp and Smoked Salmon Quiche

Shrimp and Smoked Salmon Quiche

This quiche is sooooo good!!!!!! It all started when I said to my sister that I had to use up some smoked salmon my parents had made a few days ago. We thought shrimps and salmon would make a great combo and found a great quiche recipe online. Of course I had to adjust it a little (if not it would be no fun! lol)

Dough is something that scares me and I really don’t like working with it…like… at all. But tonight, don’t ask me why, I felt that dough was going to be in the cards. Well it was super duper easy to make and oh so good.