Mushroom “pizza”

Mushroom “pizza”

    I love mushrooms… I mean LOVE mushrooms!!!! I can’t remember how this recipe came to be but I know it was to lower my carb intake. I love carbs especially bread ( check out my cast iron white bread), but in order for me to stay healthy I can’t have too much all day everyday. Trust me I would if I could! Lol I like mushrooms on my pizza and these just taste like it!!! You would be surprised how succulent they are!!! They are basically just like pizza, you can top them with whatever you want, the sky is the limit! I always use things I have in the fridge and it ALWAYS involves cheese!!! Lol I made 2 different ones to take a picture for the blog but, again, you could use any combination!!!


    • Mushrooms
    • Any toppings


    1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Carefully take off the stems from the mushrooms if they are still in. Line a baking sheet with parchemin paper. Place the mushroom caps stem side up.
    2. Bake for 10 minutes. The cooking time will differ a lot depending on the size of mushrooms you chose to use. A portobello mushroom will take closer to 20 minutes.
    3. Your mushrooms might have a little of water in them after baking, I use a paper towel to suck the water out.
    4. Place your toppings on each mushroom. Broil for about 5-6 minutes or until cheese is melted.


    Different ideas of toppings:

    1. Tomatoe sauce, ham, green peppers, cheddar cheese
    2. Tomatoe sauce, shrimps, mushrooms, gouda cheese
    3. Alfredo sauce, spinach, chicken, parmesan

    Make sure to chop everything in tiny pieces if you use small mushrooms. Precook your meat and vegetables as broiling them won’t cook anything but rather will warm them up and mostly melt the cheese.


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